AssetWise CONNECT Edition Help

To Enter Interim Measures

Interim Measures are temporary actions, for example Propping, Temporary Diversions or Monitoring, that may or may not have an impact on the load capacity of an asset. If the user indicates that the "Structural Capacity is Affected" on an Interim Measure Event, the user is prompted to complete the Headline Result (Lowest Assessed Live Load Capacity and the Effective Load Management) summary data.

Interim measure events can be created in the same manner as any other type of activity or related object.

You can apply interim measure results by creating a new event, or by selecting Set Assessed Live Loading Capacity from a custom Actions menu from an Event Details page. For example,
Note: These custom actions are only available for Interim Measure class events, and does not appear if a non-Interim Measure event is selected.

This topic describes how to record interim measures by creating a new event.

  1. Open the Asset for which you want to create an interim measure.
  2. Select the Events tab. This tab displays all events for this asset.
  3. From the Actions menu, select New event. The New Event page appears.
  4. Enter the values for the event, and click Save. The event is created, and appears in the list.
  5. Select the interim measure event from the list, and then from the Actions menu, select Set Assessed Live Loading Capacity. For example,
    Note: Depending on the selected event's Location, in "Set Assessed Live Loading Capacity", verge or carriageway values are listed. For example,
  6. Select the properties to apply and then click Save Changes. The Set Effective Load Management by Interim Measure dialog appears. For example:
  7. Click Add New, if you want to add another load management record for this asset.
    Note: Assessed Structural Capacity: Headline Results values are also updated. For example:
  8. When you are finished, click Save Changes ( ).